Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quarter One: Debrief

Overall for quarter one I felt that the class was not hard but still challenging. It was not a "slacker" class, you had to still earn your grade. I missed some small things here and there and so it brought me down to the A- B+ range. I thought as though my writing skills on making a more structured paper. The whole five paragraph paper is a bit more do-able for me now. I have trouble thinking of ideas to put into a paper, I don't like putting things down unless I feel they fit. They class environment is more inviting because there will be music playing and people talking. Even though the school is a dungeon... I am going to try to stay more on top of my homework and do what is needed to get good grades. For quarter two I want to get a solid A, not to be missing homework assignments here and there. Things in first quarter felt as though you were working in groups quite a bit of the time, and I knew that if one of us tanked, all of us were affected. I know that I won't do that to my classmates, I will continue to try and make sure that if I go down, that I won't drag anybody else down with me.


seang said...

I agree totally about how we are learning to write a lot better papers. Also, the enviroment in the class room is a lot better than what it was like last year, exactly like you said.

Ms. Froehlich said...

I enjoy the environment during 2nd hour as well - it helps us all to be more successful when everyone is staying positive and putting forth their best effort. Your writing has gotten better and will continue to improve if you set your mind to the goals you have laid out for yourself!